-Product Designer 
-Digital Designer
-Artistic Direction

3rd year Product Design student at the University of Oregon. 

My philosophy centers around the simplicity of "less is more." I'm dedicated to creating products that are not only visually appealing but also practical and user-friendly, my preferred blend of form and function.

About Me





About Me

Hey there! 

I'm Chase Travis, originally from Asahi-machi, Toyama, and now living in the vibrant community of Portland, Oregon. Growing up in Japan until the age of 7, I've always embraced a dual cultural identity, finding my balance between American heritage and Japanese roots.

My early years were filled with a love for team sports and action sports, drawn to the sense of community and thrill they offered. Guided by a literal and logical mindset, I naturally gravitated towards science and math, reveling in problem-solving and puzzles. While those subjects still captivate me, I stumbled upon design during my freshman year in an Architectural Drawing & Drafting course.

This introduction to the fusion of art and logical thinking sparked my passion for design. I've since been on a journey to find a field that stimulates both my creative and analytical sides. Enter Product Design. Influenced by designers like Naoto Fukasawa and Dieter Rams, my philosophy centers around the simplicity of "less is more." I'm dedicated to creating products that are not only visually appealing but also practical and user-friendly, my preferred blend of form and function.

Chase Masaki Travis 
America / Japan